
Thursday, November 11, 2021

How to be sustainable

 Kia ora! Welcome back to my blog. This blog will be showing my explanation text about how to be sustainable. 

How to be sustainable. 
Sustainability. It is the idea that us humans will save the goodness of our planet in friendly ways for
future generations.Everyone can be sustainable. You can do this in many
ways, such as being all electric, reducing plastic usage
and growing your own food.
Being all Electric
Being all electric isn’t easy. It means having an
electric car, solar paneled house and an electric
fireplace. The reason why it is so important to have
an electric car is because petrol cars release
greenhouse gases into the atmosphere and cause
global warming to be a bigger problem. Electric cars
are easy to charge, use no petrol (which means your
saving heaps), and are better for the environment.
Solar panels are better too, because they use sunlight
instead of turbines. Electric fireplaces are also
better than gas powered ones, because gas is a fossil
fuel; bad for the environment.
Reducing plastic usage
It is important to reduce your plastic usage because
plastic will always go into the bin, or the ocean which
is even worse. The plastic will get eaten by sea creatures,
which means no fish for dinner. Ways you can decrease
plastic usage is by wrapping our food in beeswax wraps.
These are reusable, and environmentally friendly
wrapping material, also super easy to make. Maybe if
you buy a bag of cookies with plastic wrap, instead you
could bake the cookies yourself.
Growing your own food.
It is better to grow your own food, because when you
buy it, it usually comes in plastic wrapping or has to
get shipped from overseas. You know why the plastic is
bad, but why the shipping? When shipping food across
seas, it requires a lot of fossil fuels to power the ship,
and sometimes,  you have to burn them. Burning fossil
fuels is bad, because it sends dirty air into our lungs,
and up into the atmosphere, which like I said earlier,
is bad.

In conclusion, our world is in danger. There are many
worldwide problems. These are only a few of the ways
we can help our world, but if we want our world to be
healthy, we need to take action, NOW. 
Turbine - A metal piece that spins around to make
Fossil fuels - A type of energy producer such as coal,
oil and natural gas.
Atmosphere - The layer or layers of gases around
a planet.

Thank you for reading my blog. Which one of these do you already do?