
Thursday, April 1, 2021


 Kia ora! Welcome back! This blog is about Week 9 Term 1. First is my Reading. This week for reading we were creating landmarks for NZ. We read some texts to insprie us, I read about The chch museum and The Eiffel tower. So I thought of an idea to make a museum tower. This is my work:

Now, Writing. This week for writing we were doing poems. We had to write it about chch and ngai tahu together in a poem. Here is my poem:

A tale of Ōtautahi where there lies stories of toil and mahi. Over 800 years ago, Ngai Tahu came to NZ. They rode the ocean navigating with the stars, as they voyaged on waka. Ngai Tahu meaning, the people of Tahu, linking to their ancestor, Tahu Potiki.By the 1830’s, Ngāi Tahu had built a thriving industry supplying whaling vessels and had become the backbone of the South Island economy.

A tale of Ōtautahi where there lies stories of toil and mahi. Time passed, and more happened, the treaty,  te tiriti o waitangi. Then the pakeha. And more. More people from other countries started living here. Then, now. Now we have sheep as our thing, and we are very good at sport. But we are also very unlucky too. The earthquakes and mosque attacks. Unlucky.

A tale of Ōtautahi where there lies stories of toil and mahi. Now as a nation, we move forward with each other. It is like, Jacinda Ardern drives the car and everybody else is in the back seat. The car is New Zealand. Schooling and Education is a lot better than what it used to be, same with clothes and food. A tale of Ōtautahi where there lies stories of toil and mahi.

And now, Maths. This week for maths we were doing transformation. We had to use this shape and show it for all types of transfrormation: Reflection, Rotation, Translation, and Enlargment:"

Then we had to create our own kowhaiwhai pattern. A kowhaiwhai pattern is when a maori design is repeated into a pattern, like mine!

Thank you for reading. What was your favourite part?