This term our Project Based Learning (PBL) has been about kindness and the big question was: How can we build community through our actions?
First, we explored some collaborative activities and discussed how we could include kindness and build a sense of community through our actions at camp. Next, we were organized into groups where we had to unpack the above question. In our groups we considered how we could spread community and kindness through our entire school community. We decided that we would offer something that was free and would make others happy.
We created an action plan and we came up with a couple of ideas such as, rubbish pick up, giving out kindness cards, or organizing a bake sale.
For our final product our group made kindness cards with lollies on the back. We thought that this would show others that being kind really matters and deserves a reward.
Our action built a sense of community because it showed people that they have shown kindness and we care about that.
I contributed by coming up with one of our ideas and making the cards with a few others.
I think the PBL might impact on others by making them feel proud about being kind. And that no act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted.
What I learned about working with others was that if everyone works together, the plan goes well. But when you don't let others share ideas, it may end up in a disaster.